CARP Bill C-38 Poll Report


May 25 2012: The vast majority of CARP members disagree with bundling so many controversial pieces of legislation in one Omnibus Budget Bill and also disagree with time allocation being applied to the bill. They agree it should be split into separate parts.

Members agree majority governments should take opposition concerns into account when drafting legislation, consult the opposition before passage and also consult with voters as well as politicians.

Fully one half do not expect the government to survive the next election, and those who do are fewer than those who say they support the government.While few expect a successor government to repeal OAS changes, the majority want this to happen.

The clear majority, or five times as many, say they will vote against the government if it proceeds with Bill C-38 as say they will vote for the government in the next election, and the government stands to lose a significant tranche of itʼs core support because of this issue.

For the first time in four years of CARP member polling, a party other than the Conservatives leads in electoral preference, and the NDPʼs lead is substantial, not marginal

Click here to download a full copy of the poll report complete with tables and graphs.
