Cambridge CARP Chapter needs New Leaders

Attention CARP members in Cambridge. We’re looking for your assistance in starting local CARP Chapters in your community. CARP currently has over 54 chapters across Canada, but your local chapter is in need of a new board of directors.

CARP is looking for active, engaged members, who want to make a difference in their community. Please take a moment to read the information below and contact us to find out more about getting involved.

CARP’s Mission:

CARP is a national, non-partisan, non-profit organization committed to a ‘New Vision of Aging for Canada’ promoting social change that will bring financial security, equitable access to health care and freedom from discrimination. Our mandate is to promote and protect the interests, rights and quality of life for Canadians as we age.

Purpose of Chapters:

Chapters represent CARP’s national infrastructure, through support and advancement of its mission. CARP needs a strong, active network of Chapters throughout the country. Our Chapters’ leadership and commitment to volunteerism is an invaluable resource that strengthens CARP and its members. Chapters not only provide a means of extending CARP’s objectives and presence at the community level, they are, in effect, “Club Houses” for CARP members. They provide an organizing principle for members to collectively develop ideas and activities; take leadership roles in their communities; promote volunteer service and partner with others.

Chapters facilitate the lines of communication between the national office and members throughout the country and help keep members informed and involved in the policies and priorities of the organization. CARP’s Chapters provide a means for members to get involved in CARP’s mission at the local level, providing a relationship between members, communities and the National programs and services. Chapters provide a means for xmembers to put their talent, creativity, energy, knowledge and sense of community-spirit to work in the service of their community and on behalf of Zoomers throughout the country.

All of which make communities with Chapters better places to live.

Stronger Membership = Stronger Voice

Chapter growth is vital to the growth and influence of CARP nationally. Out of the 14.5 million Canadians over the age of 45, CARP members currently account for only about 4 percent of that demographic. Our objective is to be the most powerful advocacy organization for Canadians as we age. We currently have about 330,000 members, which is quite large for an association in Canada. Canada’s federal political parties don’t have that many card-carrying members, combined. But our goal is to have a million members. Our colleagues in the United States, AARP, have 40 million members. (45% of 50+ pop). Because of its size, it is one of the most powerful lobby groups in the USA. When we get to a million members, our clout with politicians and businesses and the media will be that much greater.

Chapters advance CARP’s mission, programs and activities in a range of ways including:

  • Community Service
  • Leadership
  • Advocacy
  • Communication
  • Recruitment
  • Fellowship
  • Education

One of the objectives of the Chapters is to promote CARP’s healthy image of aging by demonstrating community-based vitality, creativity and leadership.

 Core Goals of Chapters:

  • To uphold the mission of CARP on a local community level
  • To orchestrate educational and social meetings/programs for CARP members locally
  • To extend the voice of CARP by expanding its Chapter membership i.e. increasing membership within the Chapter and nationally
  • To be the grass roots connection between National Office and local members regarding advocacy, member benefits and community development

Chapter Governance:

Chapters are affiliated associations that apply for and receive charters, adopt standard Bylaws, and enter into Affiliation Agreements with the National Office to receive services and benefits. CARP has developed specific guidelines and procedures regarding the relationship between National Office and Chapters, including a confidentiality agreement regarding members’ personal information.

These are some possibilities that your Chapter may consider in its programming.

Organize an educational session, or lecture for members in promotion of lifelong learning with a featured speaker or panelist. (Health, Finances, Diversity, Advocacy, etc)

  • Offer volunteer support for a performance, exhibit or local event
  • Lifestyle, Health and Wellness Fairs (fund raisers)
  • Support for National Advocacy campaigns
  • Leadership, advocacy and local media relations & training
  • Influencing municipal, provincial and federal councils and legislatures
  • Social Networking and Events (its important to have fun)
  • Membership generation and renewal events
  • Community support activities (job fairs, volunteer fairs, blood donor clinics, community fitness programs, environmental initiatives, etc.)
  • Use the website and email to stimulate ideas for Chapter engagement
  • Consult and cooperate with other organizations and associations in your area to create community events.

So, give me a call and I’ll help you get started. CARP needs you!

Anthony Quinn, CARP Manager, Community Development