Growing Great across the Country: ThirdQuarter—The Job Service for Mature Canadians

“Forget the number and hire the person…”

 The population of Canada, along with the rest of the world, is aging … and that’s a good thing. Across Canada, men and women are healthier, living longer and also working longer than ever before.

As the number of Canadian men and women working past the expected age of so-called retirement increases, so too does the number of mature Canadians in search of meaningful employment.

Dorothy Thach, in her early fifties, found herself unemployed after 20 years with her previous employer,  “I knew it was time for me to try something new but I wasn’t sure how to go about finding my next job.”

Editor’s Note: This column was guest-authored by ThirdQuarter

Enter ThirdQuarter—an innovative job service dedicated to serving experienced and mature  men and women aged 45 years and over, in the ‘third quarter’ of their professional and working careers.

Upon advice of a friend, Dorothy posted her resume on the ThirdQuarter website and so impressed the management, that she is now an account manager with the company having been promoted twice in only 5 months.

“We knew we wanted someone on staff with her unique skill set, awesome attitude and strong work ethic,” explains Sue Barkman, Vice President Marketing and Communications for ThirdQuarter.

The ThirdQuarter system uses an essential, skills-based matching system that links applicants with the qualifications today’s recruiters require for the diverse positions they need to fill.  There is no charge to candidates looking to post their resumes. The process also helps employers since mature workers are more than just job-ready but act as mentors for other staff and new Canadians.

“Experience counts,” says Tim Jones, president of ThirdQuarter. “That’s our philosophy.  Our efforts are channeled into helping build a multi-generational workforce.”

“Employers who work with us know that mature workers make excellent mentors for younger staff and new Canadians,” Jones adds. “Our advice is to forget the number and hire the person.“

Recruitment professionals agree that mature staff bring with them proven leadership skills, a strong work ethic and a positive attitude and the ability to land running.

The ThirdQuarter Customer Care team assists many 45+ people who want to continue in their current or previous professions and occupations. They show experienced workers how to adapt to new occupations and find employment that fits their lifestyles.

Here’s how it works: interested candidates and companies simply visit There’s no cost to applicants or firms and registration can be done at anytime. There is also no cost to individuals to prepare or post their resumes online.

Since its launch as a pilot project in 2010, thousands of jobs have been posted on the ThirdQuarter website with approximately 20,000 matches.  Since February 2013 ThirdQuarter has become a permanent program under the governance of a volunteer board of non profit organization, Skills Connect Inc. and has revamped its processes to further engage mature workers with its staff and to advocate for them with prospective employers.

ThirdQuarter releases quarterly reports and statistics to HRSDC and its other stakeholders  on its progress and milestones,  as well as monthly reports to its board.  It follows strict standards of governance, reporting and transparency.    The job inventory has increased and diversified to include finance and administration, sales and service, business, professional, supervisory, technical and several skilled positions which are full time positions.  While the majority of ThirdQuarter candidates have indicated that they want part time and flex-time jobs, the majority of our postings will reflect that need.


Founded in 2010 by the Manitoba Chambers of Commerce, ThirdQuarter, which is now owned by a national non profit corporation, Skills Connect Inc  has  a national mandate to help companies and candidates find the best skills  match for the available position in the shortest time possible.

For more information,  please visit and  or call them at 1-855-286-0306.