Important News Alerts – Mature Want To Work On Their Terms

This article was published by The Benefits and Pension Monitor, on September 11th, 2013 as part of their “Daily News Alerts”, which tracks highly important Canadian and International News.  To see the Daily News Alert Section and other related items on their website, please click here

More than half (57 per cent) of mature workers desire to keep working, but on their terms, says a study by Ceridian and CARP. ‘Second Wind: The Evolving Nature of Retirement’ says to retain and recruit them, employers need to be prepared to address mature workers’ health concerns. Adopting a progressive approach to workplace wellness contributes to a healthier aging population and can help make it easier for companies to extend health benefits beyond traditional retirement age ‒ a desire of nearly half (48 per cent) of the study’s respondents. The study says the traditional nine-to-five, five-day work week doesn’t appeal to many who are choosing to work beyond retirement age. As such, employers should consider non-traditional work arrangements such as flexible hours and job-sharing as desired by 46 per cent of respondents and phased-in retirement options, as desired by 41 per cent of respondents to accommodate a strong desire for work-life balance.

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