CARP Haliburton Highlands Chair Fights to Help his Community Heal from a Disaster that Might have Been Averted

Haliburton Highlands CARP Chapter Chair, Bob Stinson’s Open Letter to the Minister of Environment Calls for a Federal Inquiry and for Justice

“The residents of Minden Hills are currently struggling to regain some sense of normality following the devastating flood that washed over their properties on April 19th and beyond.

The area hardest hit was in the tiny village of Minden and much of the surrounding area. It has been difficult to assess the extent of the damage accurately while the area continues to be under water but moderate estimates of the damage to private property alone come in to an excess of Four Million Dollars. It is strongly felt by residents that this event was by no means a “Natural Disaster” and it would appear to be the direct result of continual mismanagement…

Click here to read the rest of the open letter to Minister of Environment Peter Kent