McMaster University seeks CARP Member Opinion for Research on Pharmacy Services

Information posted August, 26, 2014



Participants will receive a $50.00 Gift Certificate.

The Ontario Pharmacy Research Collaboration (OPEN) through its researchers at McMaster University is currently looking to recruit adult patients to discuss their experiences with pharmacists and explore their expectations for pharmacy services. Potential participants will be asked to take part in a one-on-one telephone interview approximately one hour in length. Eligible patients are those who have regular interaction with their pharmacist, which may or may not have included: receiving a flu shot, or participating in a medication review consultation. Participants will be asked questions regarding their overall experience with pharmacy services and how best to evaluate pharmacy services to improve the patient experience. While participants may choose to discuss particular instances or experiences, we will only be looking for themes in the information provided, and no specific pharmacies or pharmacists will be identified in the results.

Participants will be given a $50 gift certificate upon completion of the interview.

If you are interested in participating in this study, please contact:

Lisa Dolovich BScPhm PharmD MSc

Associate Chair, Research and Professor Department of Family Medicine

McMaster University

Phone: (905) 525-9140 x 28503 (28509 to speak with Anita Di Loreto)

Email: [email protected]