Pension Reform: Four Years and Countless Elections Later

December 7, 2012 – The 2008 financial crash and its effect on pension funds and private savings was a new impetus to act on pension reform. CARP was among the first groups out of the gates, urging governments to come together to find solutions that would benefit all Canadians. Despite starts and stops along the way, public discourse on pension reform is driving in the right direction. Below is a timeline of major milestones and CARP action on pension reform over the past four years:



June 2010:

Fall 2010:

December 2010:

Winter 2011:

May 2011:

·       Conservative Party, NDP, and Liberals Federal election platforms commit to CPP enhancement

June 2011:

·       Federal government cancels Finance Ministers meeting

October 2011:

·       CARP calls for PRPP safeguards and action on CPP enhancement

November 2011:

·       Federal government introduces Pooled Registered Pension Plans Act

December 2011

February 2012:

April 2012:

Fall 2012: