Stop the money fight

6. Take the opposite point of view
If you can’t agree on whether to save or spend, try reversing roles, so that you each ‘defend’ the other’s point of view. It may help you find a compromise, or at least get a good laugh as you listen to the other person struggling to address his or her original concerns.

7. Agree when something does not have to be discussed
As adults we all have our spending foibles – and we should each have some independence in our decision making. Divvy up extra disposable income or give each other a “mad money” allowance, and don’t discuss it further than that. You really don’t need to know if that hundred bucks went for yet another power tool or pair of shoes.

8. Check in with your hopes and dreams
Money management can seem like a chore or even hopeless at times. But remember that money is a means to an end, and take the time to reconnect about the values that you shared when you joined households in the first place. Don’t leave your aspirations out of the equation. Even if a world cruise never actually materializes, talking about it together can remind you that you are a team.

Marrying for money
How we spend our money
Money you didn’t know you had

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