Holiday travel trouble shooting

– Prepare for delays. Toys, activities and games can help pass the time if you’re stuck. Pack healthy snacks to ward off hunger.

Road dangers
Most travellers will be on a major highway sometime this season, and weather isn’t their only concern. Increased traffic volume, exhaustion and alcohol consumption all contribute to the risk of a road accident over the holidays.

Avoid it:
– If your schedule allows, avoid traveling on the busiest days (usually the day before and the day after a major holiday) to avoid traffic congestion.

– Check road and highway conditions before you head out. You can find this information from a local weather service or through a provincial/state government website.

– Take it slow and allow plenty of time to get to your destination. Speed is a contributing factor to many fatal road accidents, especially when road conditions are poor.

– Watch for changing weather conditions while you are driving and pull over to a safe place, such as a parking lot or rest stop, to wait out bad storms.

– Have a plan if you intend to drink: stay overnight, take a cab or arrange a ride with a designated driver.

– Stay alert. Driving while exhausted or ill can also affect your judgment and reaction time. Get lots of rest and take breaks on long journeys.

– If you’re driving in a foreign country, find out what road hazards and rules you might not be familiar with. Many countries such as Slovenia, Finland and Switzerland require carrying seasonal and emergency equipment by law. Some countries have different procedures for handling and reporting accidents.

– A map, cell phone, emergency kit and important phone numbers can help out in difficult situations.

Overall, the best thing you can do to protect your health and safety is to exercise common sense and stay aware. Regardless of where you go crowds, delays and inclement weather are likely to be a concern. Be patient with your fellow travellers (they’re in the same boat, after all) and with service providers. Being informed and prepared will help you dodge unnecessary hassles.

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