Pension Reform – Slow Progress or No progress

What’s Next?

Leading up to the meeting on December 20th, the Finance Ministers aren’t any further ahead than they were six month ago unless they plan to surprise us with some fully formed proposals. But it’s unlike politicians to hide their light under a bushel. The acknowledgement Canada’s pension system needed fixing was welcome, but it certainly wasn’t enough. In fact, much of the past six months represent a lost opportunity to act on pension reform. And if politics is largely about seizing the moment, Canadians should be concerned that the time for pension reform is slipping away.

CARP’s position on pension reform is well known by now. We have made numerous submissions to government. We have also tracked and propelled progress over the past few years. Ultimately, then, the power to effect the necessary changes lies with government leaders, but the incentive to do so must be supplied by concerned CARP members and Canadian citizens. We urge you to take the opportunity to use our E-Voice and write your MPPs and MPs, urging your provincial and federal government to come away from the Kananaskis meeting with a solid plan to implement CPP expansion and other pension reforms.

Keywords: pension reform, CPP