Dark Side Book Tour starting March 18th in Calgary with stops in Vancouver, Ottawa and Toronto!

CARP has teamed up with Simon and Schuster for The Dark Side: Mystery & Thriller Writers Tour.

CARP Chapters in Calgary, Vancouver, Ottawa and Toronto are on board and excited to take part in this great opportunity.

If you would like more information about this, please contact Elise Kayfetz at [email protected]



More details:

Craig Davidson:

Jennifer Hillier:

Rob Pobi:
Deryn Collier:
Author Q&As:
Rob Pobi Q&A:
Q. Who is the scariest character youve encountered in a movie or a book?
A. Technically he might not count as a ‘character’ but hands-down I have to go with John in The Book of Revelation. That psychotic vision of the total destruction of (and lack of compassion for) humanity tips the scales in so many directions it easily takes the gold, silver, bronze and all the participation ribbons.

Q. What is the scariest piece of music youve heard?
A. Hands-down it’s Michael Bolton’s Time, Love and Tenderness – I was terrified to turn on the radio for years after that song hit. I still suffer from residual flashbacks whenever I see some guy doing a Zoolander selfie for his Facebook page.

Q. What do you enjoy about writing thriller novels, as opposed to other genres?
A. Thrillers are simply the best place to unhook your mind from the grid and let it run loose for a while. Like horror, the rules of propriety aren’t something you need to keep in mind – you want to play with a guy who wears rubber boots, a tutu, and Mickey-mouse ears while he dismembers telemarketers with garden shears in the Spice Girls room he built under his survival bunker? No problemo – knock yourself out.

Jennifer Hillier Q&A:
Q. Who is the scariest character youve encountered in a movie or a book?
A. The scariest killer in a movie is Hannibal Lecter. In a book its Gretchen Lowell (by Chelsea Cain).

Q. What is the scariest piece of music youve heard?
A. Scariest piece of music Ive heard is that song in the Julia Roberts movie, Sleeping with the Enemy, a classical song by Berlioz.

Q. What do you enjoy about writing thriller novels, as opposed to other genres?
A. I love the adrenaline rush! Im a big chicken in real life, but in my books I get to slay the monster and be a hero.

Andrew Pyper Q&A:
Q. Who is the scariest character youve encountered in a movie or a book?
A. I think that honour would have to go to the demon in The Exorcist. It’s never seen, strictly speaking, but we witness what it can do and hear what it has to say, which is quite enough. While the head-spinning and levitating and physical nastiness the entity engineers is alarming, I find the most compelling aspect of both the book and the movie are the scenes in which the human characters engage directly with the villain. Those conversations with an ancient, manipulative, hypnotic intelligence are fascinating and terrifying at the same time.

Q. What is the scariest piece of music youve heard?
A. The soundtrack to Dario Argento’s Suspiria.

Q. What do you enjoy about writing horror novels, as opposed to other genres?
A. Horror is revelatory in a way other literary genres tend not to be. The uncanny in particular is a key to the subconscious, a part of the mind we tend to overlook, or dismiss as “just the imagination.” But fear reveals who we are in surprising ways, and often more honestly than controlled introspection or even the most intimate conversation. When we read horror, we reach for something fundamental in ourselves, something we pretend to have grown out of but that circles our daily experience nevertheless. Scary stories don’t just thrill and excite, they tell us secrets.

Craig Davidson (Nick Cutter) Q&A:
Q. Who is the scariest character youve encountered in a movie or a book?
A. Pennywise the clown, from Stephen King’s It.

Q. What is the scariest piece of music youve heard?
A. Achy Breaky Heart? These Days Are Old, by Spookey Ruben? Yeah, the second one. That’s dude’s odd as a cod.

Q. What do you enjoy about writing horror novels, as opposed to other genres?
A. I think horror offers a freedom that a lot of other writing, genre or otherwise, does not. Horror readers are a pretty tolerant lot, Ive found. Harder to shock, less likely to take offense. I need that kind of readerly forgiveness sometimes!