Would You Like to Appear on a Televised Gentle Yoga Class?

Are you a Zoomer interested in Yoga? Want to appear on a televised Gentle Yoga class?

Zoomer TV is producing a Yoga Show that demonstrates how gentle, restorative yoga can counteract the effects of aging and chronic conditions, and we would like you to join us on-camera for a class or two with teacher Deborah Gemus.

We are shooting shows every weekday starting May 26 through June 5 at our studio at 70 Jefferson Avenue in Liberty Village in downtown Toronto. We would require you for a half day, either morning or afternoon.

It doesnt matter what level of yoga you are, or if you have even tried it before. Deborahs restorative yoga practice appeals to students of all levels.

If you have experience with any of the issues below, and would like to experience gentle release of some of the related symptoms, please contact associate producer Brandon Outhwaite at [email protected] or 647-988-8304. When responding please tell us your age, which condition (or two) you most identify with, your previous experience with yoga, where in Toronto you are located, your shirt and pant size, and if possible please provide a picture.

Weight gain


Chronic pain

Sex lowered libido


Joint stiffness, pain

Memory loss

Eyes weakened vision

Hair loss or thinning





Headaches and migraines



Weakened core

Respiratory/Breathing issues

Hamstrings – tightness

Arms, wrists, hands swelling, tightness, pain

Spine curvature/Neck

Facial yoga – (open to people whod like to tighten the skin on their face, naturally)




Immune System – compromised
