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From Senior Discovery Tours

Amazing Adventures for Travellers 55+

Senior Discovery Tours plans every detail of your itinerary, picks you up, drops you off, books convenient flights and carefully selected hotels, plans unforgettable excursions and authentic dining experiences, provides expert local guides, and leaves you plenty of room to experience the world in new and remarkable ways. With 100+ destinations worldwide and 8 tour styles, your only challenge is choosing where to go next.
Five ways we make your journey better
1. No surprise costs: All of our tour prices include flights, hotels, transfers, most meals and excursions, all taxes and gratuities, plus, insurance for health (while outside Canada), cancellation and trip interruption, even home pick-up and drop-off.
2. Carefully selected hotels: we personally inspect each property for quality, service, and value.
3. Most meals are covered: and they are delicious ones too, allowing you to sample the best of local cuisine.
4. Exceptional Tour Managers: who go above and beyond to make sure that everyone has a wonderful experience – and each day’s activities are at just the right pace.
5. Round-trip transportation right from your doorstep to the airport: and safely back home again (from most Canadian cities).
Request a free brochure & sign up for our eNewsletter today: SeniorDiscoveryTours.ca
Call to book: 1-800-268-3492


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*Terms and Conditions:
The promotional offer is not valid on existing bookings and is not combinable with any other promotional offer.
We reserve the right to withdraw, cancel or extend our offer at any time without notice.
Other restrictions may apply.

Travel Industry Council of Ontario Reg. #2160711;
Quebec Permit #701756
CPBC Licence #3292