Protect your identity, privacy, and credit. CARP members receive the first month FREE plus 20% off every month on Zoomer InfoDefender.

From Zoomer InfoDefender

Introducing Zoomer InfoDefender, a trusted CARP partner program designed specifically to safeguard against identity theft at an affordable rate.

Zoomer InfoDefender is a CARP-endorsed identity theft protection program tailored for comprehensive safeguarding against identity theft. It offers real-time alerts, credit and dark web monitoring, and restoration services. These restoration services are especially highlighted, assisting members in resolving any identity theft issues effectively. Specifically designed for older adults, Zoomer InfoDefender equips members with user-friendly tools to navigate digital security challenges. Its affordability and partnership with CARP aim to empower individuals in securing their identities and preventing unauthorized access or exploitation.

CARP Member Exclusive: Receive the first month FREE plus 20% off every month.