Joseph Brant CEO Responds to CARP’s Open Letter

Last month we reported that CARP was receiving a lot of complaints from older people and their caregivers who felt they had received poor treatment at Joseph Brant hospital. The “Home First” program was singled out as the reason some seniors were being discharged without proper care arrangements being made. To read CARP’s last report on the issue, click here

After much uproar Hospital CEO Eric Vanderwall, issued a press release announcing that the Home First Program was in the process of being reviewed.

In an open letter to Mr. Vanderwall Susan Eng, CARP VP of Advocacy wrote “from the point of view of our members, the expectation is that no patient will be discharged without being given a reasonable opportunity and assistance to find alternative accommodation or home care services. We trust that your review will that protocols and training are established and monitored to ensure this standard of care and that attitudes displayed by your front line staff reflect this standard and the values displayed in your media release”.

CARP received a response from Mr. Vanderwall, a copy of which can be found here In his letter Mr. Vanderwall said the hospital’s goal was to present patients with the best options for post-discharge planning and he also expressed regret that some of our members “felt” they had been poorly treated.

One of the members who had complained and who has requested anonymity, said the response letter left him unsatisfied : “Mr Vandewall’s letter said all the politically correct things… the words/message indicate remorse, compassion but the reality is that the only way this situation will be rectified is if people are held accountable for their actions. Part of the answer might always be more money but honestly, the lack of compassion and the disrespect towards the elderly appears ingrained in some of the staff and processes at JBHM means more money won’t resolve that situation.”

Mr. Vandewall, expressed his willingness to receive complaints from us regarding their service. We are anxious to know if service has improved. If you have any complaints about the hospital care received at Joseph Brant we will be happy to receive them and transmit them anonymously if you so desire. In the meantime we will be keeping a watchful eye on the progress the hospital makes to become more senior-friendly.

Keywords: hospital