Finance Committee Hearing on the Retirement Income Security of Canadians

In late March CARP was back on Parliament Hill to renew its call for a Universal Pension Plan that would provide a retirement savings vehicle for the one in three working Canadians who retire without any savings. At a Committee hearing convened to discuss the retirement income security of Canadians, CARP presented its proposals and most recent poll results. Rejecting that view that the system was working perfectly, CARP stressed the need for universal plan based on a model we know to be tried, tested and true: the CPP. CARP also stressed that any new supplementary pension plan must be universally accessible, affordable and robust enough to withstand economic turmoil.

What’s more, CARP polls on pension reform stole the spotlight at the committee with MPs of all political stripes repeatedly commenting on the poll results. MP interest in CARP survey results revealed the strong impact of CARP’s e-advocacy tools which include CARP e-voice, e-newsletter and e-polls. To read the full Hansard of the hearing, please click here.

Keywords: pension reform