Home Instead is a provider of Senior Care services in Oakville, Burlington and Milton. Their primary objective is helping seniors remain in their home. Whether the need is for someone to help for just a few hours per week or for more comprehensive 24-hour assistance Home Instead can provide the CAREgivers with the skills required to meet those needs.

From their experiences one of the most important steps is reaching an understanding and agreement on the level of care required. Wherever possible Home Instead believes the family should be involved in the decision making process. In many cases getting the necessary conversation started can be a stumbling block. To help with this they have put together a guide to conversation starters for seniors and their children. Known as “The 70-40 Rule” the guide will help seniors begin the conversation, or flip it over for “The 40-70 Rule” when it would be appropriate for children to begin.

To go to the Home Instead – Senior Care website for a wealth of information about the services they provideCLICK HERE.

For access to either of the guides mentioned above you can CLICK HERE