Terry Bruce, RandyFilinski and Keith Ward want you to be a part of Chapter 20.

Did you know?

• There are currently 1400 CARP members living in the Ajax- Pickering area

• Across Canada the CARP membership exceeds 350,000

• Two years ago CARP had ten (10) Chapters and today there are over forty (40) and counting

• There is no age limit to prevent anybody becoming a member of CARP

• The A, B, C’s of CARP stand for Advocacy, Benefits, Community

• CARP is a Not for Profit Corporation

• When you apply for membership in CARP the Ajax-Pickering Chapter will receive a small donation from the national office of CARP to help defray some of the Chapter’s expenses.

Finally, when you apply for a membership or renew your current CARP membership we would like you to indicate on your CARP National renewal form that you wish to become a part of the Ajax-Pickering Chapter No. 20. In this way you will become part of a growing Chapter that will be your opportunity to ensure that your voice and interests are addressed at the local level.