Hello CARP Chapter 41 members:

We have experienced some organizational difficulties with respect to our Chapter.   We apologise if this has caused inconvenience to any of you.  Your volunteer Board met last Friday and have determined on the following :

Our Chapter will focus on Benefits and Community and to facilitate that we want to proceed as follows:

(1)   We will hold events for the membership on a quarterly basis, the next one to be held at Langs on June 26th, from 2-4 p.m.   Please ignore any previous notifications about the timing of events.   We will advise the Speakers at a later date.

Following that there will be a meeting on September 25th, and we are currently considering a larger event to be held at Wesley United Church in the downtown core area.  This location is not as central, but it does provide public parking immediately across the street and there is a small kitchen available so that we can offer tea and coffee to the members.
(2)  We will be asking Benefit Partners to be present at these events, and they will be given the opportunity to have tables at all future events.

(3)  We will be approaching Cherrey Bus Lines to see if they are able to provide transportation for a special outing in December to Niagara on the Lake to view the Christmas lights.   This would be in addition to regular quarterly meetings.  We need to know if there is interest from the membership for this, and the Chapter will subsidize the costs.

(4)  We will advise you of future events being held by the KW Chapter 25, and some of you may wish to attend those events at St. George Hall in Waterloo.

We have welcomed Bob de Pasquale to our Board as Director at Large.   If any of our members wish to serve on the Chapter Board in a volunteer capacity we would love to hear from you.

Thanks for your interest and please feel free to contact us at [email protected] if you have questions.   Check the website for updates regarding news and events.

Pat Templeton

Chair, Chapter 41.