Remember to Check Off Chapter 13 When Renewing CARP National Membership

CARP Edmonton Local Membership is now Included at No Extra Cost …….

if Edmonton Chapter #13 is Marked Off

Starting In 2012, CARP Edmonton will now no longer collect a separate local CARP Edmonton membership fee.

It will be included as part of the CARP National Membership if CHAPTER 13 is marked off, indicating you are also part of CARP Edmonton when you renew your membership. Each CARP National member fee already includes a royalty subsidy for the local chapter, so it does not cost you anything more to support the local Edmonton chapter.

With this change, it is now even more Critical that you mark off Chapter 13 when renewing, since the royalty from the CARP National will now be the only membership revenue the local chapter will be getting.

So Please Mark your application in the CHAPTER BOX:

CHAPTER 13          X

when you or your partner are ordering or renewing your CARP National Membership.

The royalty credit from your payment returns to Chapter 13 to help pay for Edmonton programs, meeting and events.

submitted R. Perry  Apr 12