Monthly Meeting April 8th

Monthly Community Meeting – April 8th 2013

FREE … everyone welcome…

Heritage Glen (Chartwell)
6515 Glen Erin Drive

Lots of FREE parking
enter from Glen Erin Drive, just south of Battleford Road,
opposite Montevideo St. (looks like town houses), go left
entrance at low rise red building

Monday Apr 8th 6:15pm – 8:30pm

• Welcome to Heritage Glen – Cindy du Plessis
• Helping People Navigate Change
– Mary-Jo Franchi-Rothecker, Accendus Group
• Effective Estate Care –The Art of Being Prepared
– Gordon MacGregor, Turner Porter

Snacks, Coffee, Tea courtesy Heritage Glen
50-50 draw for cash & draw for CARP door prizes

For further info contact:
Murray Etherington, Chair, CARP Mississauga Chapter
647-974-6808 [email protected]

Arrive at 5:30pm for a TOUR of Heritage Glen