Unsolicited Calls on Carbon Monoxide

July 3rd, 2013

CARP has heard from members that they have received unsolicited calls from someone claiming to be conducting a study on carbon monoxide on  behalf of CARP and a University.

While CARP may sometimes enable our affinity partners or other reputable organizations to communicate new information about products or services we consider valuable, these callers are not affiliated with our Association.

In fact, a common and disreputable sales tactic aimed at seniors, for home heating, air conditioning and ventilation systems, often start with a warning about the dangers of carbon monoxide as a reason to buy new products from them.

So, please remain cautious about telephone marketing and polls and be sure you know who you are dealing with before giving any financial or personal information over the phone.

For more info on frauds and scams, visit www.antifraudcentre.ca

CARP National Office