CARP Days at Burlington Bandits in Pictures

Information updated July 28, 2013

The Burlington Bandits of the Inter County Baseball League designated two home games as CARP days in July. Good weather and good baseball combined to make these two most enjoyable days at the ball park. Add good food, what is a baseball game without hot dogs and beer and these were available aplenty, and popcorn of course and all who attended had it made.

For the July 6th game it was an honour and a pleasure to be asked to help lead the singing of the National Anthem.


A real pleasure to lead the singing of “O Canada”

To get the game underway  CARP was also invited to throw out the first pitch……

Chapter Partner and CARP member Fred Crockett throws out first pitch at July 6th game















The Bandits really do make their home games a family affair a highlight being that children can “run the bases” at the end of the fifth inning. And in our case with a number of grandchildren present they took no persuading to give it a try.

Grandchildren running the bases

At the second of our CARP Days Chapter Chair Tom Carrothers gets to try his arm for the first pitch ably assisted by Isaiah McKenzie who represented Big Brothers.

Tom Carrothers for CARP and Isaiah McKenzie for Big Brothers jointly throw out the first pitch at July 11 game

We can thoroughly recommend the hospitality provided by the Bandits and playing at Nelson Park in the heart of Burlington what better place to enjoy one of our favourite summer pastimes.