September 2013 Community Meetings – "Lend Me Your Ear!" – Plus AGM

Information posted August 14, 2013







Halton Chapter is very pleased to announce that our monthly community meetings for our 2013/2014 season will begin in September and will be held as usual in both Milton and Burlington. The same topic will be featured at both locations.

We will have a very interesting and informative speaker from “ListenUP! Canada” who will be talking about hearing healthcare including noise induced hearing loss and the latest in hearing aid technology.

You will also learn about:

  • What causes hearing loss?
  • Types of hearing loss
  • Signs of hearing loss
  • Treating hearing loss
  • Types and styles of hearing aids
  • Digital hearing aids
  • Services provided by ListenUP! Canada

ListenUP! Canada is the #1 doctor-referred provider of hearing aids in Ontario, now with over 100 locations across the province. They offer no cost, no obligation hearing tests by certified hearing healthcare professionals, and a broad selection of brand-name, digital hearing aids and assistive listening devices at affordable prices.

Our Milton meeting will be held on Wednesday September 11th at the Seniors Activity Centre, 500 Childs Drive, Milton

Our Burlington meeting will be held on Tuesday September 24th at the Seniors Centre, 2285 New Street, Burlington.

Our meetings at both locations will be held in the evening. Doors will open at 6.30pm and the meetings will take place between 7.00pm and 9.00pm. Coffee and tea will be available.

September is also time for our AGM for 2013.

The Burlington meeting will be considered as the primary meeting for the AGM with a summary provided at Milton. Reports from our Board portfolios will be provided along with a brief synopsis of our activities for the past year. We would also like to hear from you our members as well. Please be prepared to give us your opinions on what we have been doing and offer suggestions for the future.

Please also consider volunteering with Chapter activities. We are developing a stronger voice in the community and are participating in a number of initiatives in Halton that are focussed on seniors issues. The more people we have involved and helping the stronger our Chapter will be. Please let us know if you would like to help.

Both meetings will begin with a welcoming address from our Chairperson, Tom Carrothers. Tom will also provide an update on your CARP Halton Chapter and CARP National activities. Tom will then lead the discussion for our AGM as described above.

This will be followed by our keynote speaker from ListenUP! Canada.

There will be a break midway through the meeting during which you will be able to chat to our presenter and to obtain information from our sponsors, see below.

September Sponsors

We will be very pleased to welcome the following sponsors who are also Halton Chapter Partners. We would like to thank them for their support. They will all have tables where you will be able to chat with their representatives and pick up additional information.

GEM Health Care Services Halton

“Our commitment is to keep you happier, healthier and in your home. Whatever your needs our Nurses and Personal Support Workers are there to help. Our Family for Yours!” 

Shoppers Home Health Care, Burlington.

“As part of Canada’s leading retailer of home healthcare equipment and supplies, Shoppers Home Health Care, 3023 New St., Burlington, helps Canadians every day to lead healthier, independent lifestyles”.

Also in addition to their presentation representatives from ListenUP Canada will also be available to discuss any hearing related issues you may have.

We will also be pleased to welcome the Arts and Letters Club of Burlington. This is a non-profit club which offers its members an opportunity to read a selection of books throughout the year which are chosen by its reading committee. This is not a book discussion group, its reading and non-reading members meet once a month to hear speakers on topics of interest such as art, music and literature. Monthly meetings consist of business of the club, the speaker and afternoon tea.

The meetings will conclude with a few closing remarks from Tom and our 50/50 draw. We encourage you to support this draw as proceeds help defray the costs of putting on our meetings.

Both meetings are open to everyone in Halton Region. If you are not able to attend at one location please consider joining us at the other.

Our meetings are free. We look forward to welcoming all members and their friends.

Please support your local Chapter.