Brampton Politicians Ignore Seniors’ Concerns


Brampton CARP Chapter 52: Press Release on CARP Brampton Survey of Federal Candidates

Peter Howarth (Chair)

Peter Howarth, Chair of Brampton CARP Chapter 52 says that he is very disappointed with the responses to the CARP issues questionnaire from many of the major party candidates in Brampton’s five federal ridings. “In fact” he says “it was ignored by more than half of the candidates.”

The survey consisted of six questions asking for a simple YES; NO; DON’T KNOW/ UNDECIDED response. The questions dealt with National and Brampton CARP issues: increasing CPP payments; eliminating RRIF mandatory withdrawals; electoral reform (term limits and mandatory voting);support for a national pharmacare program; appropriate federal health care transfer payments to the provinces; and, the need for a national aging strategy.

The questionnaire was emailed and mailed to 19 candidates on or before September 6, 2015.The candidates or their office staff were reminded by email and telephone to return the survey by 18 September. Howarth says that “In some cases the emails and phone calls were never acknowledged!” Of the 19 candidates surveyed only 8 responded in the required format.

Howarth said, “The most disturbing element of this entire process is the unwillingness of so many candidates to engage Brampton seniors by responding to questions that not only affect seniors but people of all ages. Seniors now represent 16.1% of the Canadian population (i.e. 5.8 million Canadians) and are the demographic most likely to vote.”

Analysis of participation in the questionnaire by political party (those who completed and returned the questionnaire in the manner requested) resulted in the following:

  • CONSERVATIVE: 0   – No responses
  • LIBERAL:  1   – Ruby Sahota                                     
  • NEW DEMOCRATIC: 4 – Martin Singh, Harbaljit Kahlon, Amarjit Sangha, Rosemary Keenan
  • GREEN: 3 – Pauline Thornham, Saul Bottcher, Karthika Gobinath
  • Note: Three Liberal Party candidates sent back a copy of the Liberal Party platform which did not comply with the requested reply format.

Howarth feels the poor response rate to the questionnaire, especially by the Conservative party candidates, “ demonstrates a total lack of respect not just for seniors but for all Brampton voters. We now know why so many Canadians are disillusioned with the political process. The current federal candidates in Brampton who chose to ignore Brampton CARP’s challenge to inform Brampton voters on the issues raised, have fanned the flames of our disappointment with, and our cynicism about, politics. Above all, we the taxpayer demand openness, transparency and accountability from our elected officials.”

Howarth expressed his sincere thanks to those candidates in Brampton who shared their positions on the issues.

On behalf of the Brampton CARP Board members and the membership Howarth would like to thanks all those who helped with the survey.

A summary of the respondent’s answers will be available shortly.


03 October, 2015,



Peter Howarth                                            Or                   Terry Miller

[email protected]                                       [email protected]