Federal election promises to seniors

Click here to read ‘Federal election promises to seniors‘ by Sandra Thomas – Vancouver Courier, October 16

While the country gets ready to go to the polls, the Canadian Association of Retired Persons has created a list of each party’s promises, especially as they relate to the concerns of older voters. All of the information in this list was taken directly from each party’s published platform and from official statements made by party leaders in the media and directly to CARP. CARP is a national, non-partisan, non-profit organization committed to advocating for a new vision of aging for Canadians and promoting social change that will bring financial security, equitable access to health care and freedom from age discrimination. CARP has more than 300,000 members across Canada.

CARP does not support any one party, and this list is intended to serve as a neutral guide to issues directly relevant to older Canadians. Other items of interest, which do not specifically involve older Canadians may be found in each party’s full platform. To see the most recent and complete list, visit carp.ca.


CARP calls for the creation of a universal pension plan modelled on the CPP to allow safe savings for retirement in a large, pooled national plan; modest increase to the CPP; eliminate mandated minimum RRIF withdrawals; increase GIS to better support low-income seniors; restore age of OAS eligibility from 67 to 65; create OAS spousal allowance equivalent for low-income singles between the age of 60 and 65; keep annual TFSA savings limits at $10,000 per year to help all Canadians save for retirement.

Conservatives: Maintain yearly TFSA contribution limit at $10,000; examine ways for Canadians to make voluntary CPP contributions; introduce annual tax credit of up to $300 for single seniors with pension income; maintain reduced RRIF withdrawal rates.

Liberals: Lower age of OAS eligibility from 67 back to 65; lower yearly TFSA contribution limit from $10,000 back to $5,000; meet provincial leaders within three months after election to discuss expanding CPP; increase yearly GIS benefits for single, low-income seniors by nearly $1,000; introduce Seniors Price Index to ensure OAS and GIS benefits align with true increases to cost of living.

NDP: Lower age of OAS eligibility from 67 back to 65; lower yearly TFSA contribution limit from $10,000 back to $5,000; meet provincial leaders within six months after election to discuss expanding CPP; increase yearly GIS benefits funding by $400 million.

Green Party: Expand the CPP; integrate OAS and GIS benefits into a new Guaranteed Liveable Income Program.


CARP wants Canada Post’s door-to-door home mail delivery restored.

Liberals: Restore Canada Post’s door-to-door home mail delivery service.

NDP: Restore Canada Post’s door-to-door home mail delivery service.

Green Party: Restore Canada Post’s door-to-door home mail delivery service.