CARP Nova Scotia Insists on Alterations to Planned Seniors Pharmacare Changes


CARP Nova Scotia is requesting the proposals to change the NS Seniors Pharmacare program be revised to

1. Provide for a gradual 5 – 7% per year premium increase over a number of years to keep up with increased costs of program.

2. Raise the income levels for those who do not have to pay a premium to $24,500 / yr. Do not us a different formula for base premiums for seniors living as a single as opposed to living as a couple.

3. Assure anyone legitimately receiving GIS is not paying a premium. Work out the difference of opinion on validity with Federal Government. Don’t put seniors in the middle of the disagreement.

4. Implement a formal appeals process for seniors who feel their payment level is unfair.

5. Improve the communications process for any changes. Consult with the CARP NS as a member of the Group of IX re the communications plan.

6. Give the CARP NS members time to analyze the policy before it is announced and implemented.

We look forward to hearing of these changes from the Government of Nova Scotia in the very near future.