CARP Launches Campaign to Bring Sanity Back to Ontario Hydro Rates!

Premier Kathleen Wynne has promised relief from Ontario’s soaring hydro rates but with no confirmation on when or how this will be achieved.

CARP says vague promises are not enough!

Currently, low income seniors are at risk of losing their homes or having to choose between groceries and paying hydro bills.

Though CARP is encouraged by Wynne’s about face, until a concrete plan is in place, we will continue the fight against skyrocketing hydro bills.

In the last year we’ve seen prices for the average consumer in Ontario rise by a little bit more than 15 per cent; in the past ten years, the average price of electricity has doubled in Ontario.

It’s not easy for many to cover price increases, let alone ones that are accelerating at such frightening rates, often forcing them to choose between necessities and hydro.

“Help us build a war chest to make sure that Wynne’s deathbed promises of reform are sufficient, and carried out.” – Moses Znaimer, CARP President

To join the fight, click here.