What Your Pharmacist Isn’t Telling You!

Watch below for the inside scoop on prescription medications and their effects – when it comes to the aging body.

CARP’s medication expert and Certified Geriatric Pharmacist, Andy Donald, CEO of The Health Depot, provides the ‘behind the counter’ insights into the issues related to your meds.

Most Doctors and Pharmacists are not looking at prescriptions from the point of view of our aging bodies. 

Find out what you need to know, and questions to ask! 

How many prescription medications are YOU taking?

You’d be surprised just how many pills older Canadians are taking on average! Find out in this C.A.R.P. National Webinar

Polypharmacy refers to the effects of taking multiple medications concurrently to manage coexisting health problems, such as diabetes and hypertension. Too often, polypharmacy becomes problematic when patients are prescribed too many medications by multiple healthcare providers working independently of each other or when new health problems arise and new medications are stacked on top of previous prescriptions.

Most ER visits among seniors in Canada find their root in reaction to medications.  Falls, dizziness, swelling, sleepiness, mental confusion, bowel function, or many worse outcomes often result from medication issues.

Takeaways from this webinar:

Are you tired, having trouble sleeping or dizzy often??
You might be on doses that are too high or too many medications!

Why does Medication Overuse occur?
As we age, our ability to process medications declines. This causes an accumulation of meds in your body, which leads to increased side effects and toxicity.

Medication Issues in Older Adults
1. Non-adherence: Fewer than 50% of Canadians take meds as prescribed by their Doctor.
2. Medication overuse in Canadian seniors: (Polypharmacy) ⅔ take 5+ Meds, ¼ take 10+ Meds, 8.4% take 15+ Meds
3. Inappropriate medications: ⅓ regularly take a Potentially Inappropriate Medication (PIMs), which are responsible for a ⅓ of all senior hospital visits.

Future of Pharmacy:
Pharmacists need to help select the right medication for you based on side effects, drug interactions and how your body processes them. Technology and e-Health now allows pharmacists to contribute and assist in providing hospital level of care in the community setting. Pharmacy in the community needs to step up and help! Speak to your pharmacist today!

Speak with a Pharmacist
Mon-Fri 8AM-7PM
Toll Free: