CARP Applauds New Social Isolation and Loneliness Guidelines

CARP applauds the first ever Canadian Clinical Guidelines on Social Isolation and Loneliness by the Canadian Coalition for Seniors Mental Health (CCSMH).

Our society is in the very early days of understanding the complexity of social isolation and loneliness in older adults. These guidelines are intended to empower and support health care and social services professionals working with adults, in the interests of preventing, assessing, and intervening in the face of social isolation and loneliness. These guidelines will help providers recognize, assess and treat isolation and loneliness among older adults.

The recommendations in these guidelines have been developed through an examination of existing literature and evidence. There are 17 recommendations, including, knowledge of risk factors, education and training, screening and assessment, and interventions, including specific measures such as social activity, physical activity, increased technology, animal-assisted therapy and animal ownership, leisure skill development, and psychological and pharmacological therapies.

While intended for health care and social services professionals, the information is of value to those who are ageing as well as caregivers.

Read the CCSMH Social Isolation and Loneliness Guidelines here.

Read what the research has to say about joy for older Canadians

How is CARP advocating for physical activity?