April 2008 Archive Archives - CARP

April 2008 Archive Posts

Retirement: The new dirty word

April 29, 2008

Today's 50- and 60-year-olds are rebelling against their parents version of retirement, transforming it into new ...

Your Money: Driving tests for commercial vehicle operators

April 28, 2008

As long as the driver is in good health and with a good driving record, the age of 65 for annual license renewal is an ...

Bureaucracy over healthcare?

April 23, 2008

CARP takes up the case of an Ontario woman who won’t be reimbursed for life-saving cancer surgery because of red ...

B.C. – Call for Volunteers – Vancouver 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games

April 23, 2008

Welcome to the experience of a lifetime Every once in a while an opportunity comes along that you can’t afford to ...

World’s Healthiest Countries

April 23, 2008

World’s Healthiest Countries Forbes.com 1. Iceland Icelanders enjoy one of the world's highest healthy life ...

Crystal Ball forecasts a future of aches and pains

April 22, 2008

Version Française Toronto, ON – April 22, 2008 – In a recent national survey, adult Canadians cite ...

Your voice: Zoomers plan to keep working

April 22, 2008

CARP Action Online readers plan to keep working well past age 60. According to our last poll, not many CARP Action ...

Boomers have clout as voters, consumers in growing movement to live green

April 22, 2008

CARP's VP of Advocacy Susan Eng comments on "going green". To view the article: canadianpress ...

Living with IBS

April 22, 2008

April is IBS Awareness Month. Most people who suffer from IBS don't realize how common it actually is and that there ...

Selon un sondage, les Canadiens prévoient qu’en vieillissant, ils éprouveront des douleurs et mèneront une vie moins active

April 22, 2008

Toronto, Ontario – 22 avril 2008 – Selon un récent sondage mené à ...