Top 25 Canadians Update

This year CARP celebrates its 25th anniversary. For two and half decades, CARP has brought the issues that affect older Canadians to the forefront of the political debate and to change the way people view aging. Much has changed and we did not do this alone.

To celebrate the people who contributed to our past achievements as well as those yet to come we launched a major initiative:

Celebrating 25 Canadians who contributed to the quality of life for Canadians as we age

Nominations are now closed to honour 25 people who have contributed the most to the New Vision of Aging for Canada, in celebration of CARP’S 25 years of working to improve the quality of life for Canadians as we age. The winners will be announced at CARP’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) October 29-30, 2009. Over the next few months, watch for profiles of these remarkable Canadians in ZOOMER Magazine and CARP ActionOnline our online newsletter.

By recognizing and honouring people who make meaningful contributions to improve our quality of life as we age – or who represent the New Vision of Aging for Canada – we hope to foster a feeling of community service and involvement and encourage others to follow suit. We are also interested in what you believe should be the New Vision of Aging.

We expect that our winners will contribute in various ways to our goal of reducing ageism in Canadian society. Recent psychological research conducted at the University of Washington shows that unconscious prejudice towards blacks and the elderly can be significantly decreased when people are exposed to images of admired members of these groups. Read about the study here:

Keywords: top 25