September 2009 Archive Archives - CARP

September 2009 Archive Posts

On the Road

September 29, 2009

St. John’s is a good place to start the process of taking our Advocacy message on the road and getting feedback ...

Neuropathic pain treatments: Medicines other than conventional drugs

September 28, 2009

Editor's Note: Dr Mailis-Gagnon will be writing for CARP Action Online on a semi-regular basis. Should you have any ...

School Bus Drivers Parked at 65?

September 28, 2009

A provincial law put into effect this year says people aged 65 can't be forced to retire, but some B.C. school boards ...

Bill 428: An Act to Amend OAS, Government of Canada Response

September 28, 2009

Our government does not support this bill. In order to qualify for OAS, there is a 10 year residency requirement after ...

Pre-Election Poll Report: September 14th 2009

September 28, 2009

CARP’s Poll could have predicted that the Opposition would bail. Responses to the September 14th CARP ...

CARP Retirement Poll, September 14th 2009

September 28, 2009

Members were asked what kind of retirement provisions they have. The majority of our members are retired (81%), and ...

Tell your MPs how you want them to vote on the Liberals non-confidence motion

September 28, 2009

Tell your MPs how you want them to vote on the Liberals’ non-confidence motion which was tabled today and will ...

Top 25 Canadians Update

September 28, 2009

This year CARP celebrates its 25th anniversary. For two and half decades, CARP has brought the issues that affect ...

Bill C-428 An Act to Amend Old Age Security, Ruby Dhalla’s Statement

September 28, 2009

No senior in Canada should be left to live in poverty. The Conference Board of Canada reports that 6% of seniors in ...

Bill C-428: An Act to Amend OAS, NDP Response

September 28, 2009

Bill C 428 All Canadian citizens should be treated equally and have the same rights to all universal programs, such as ...