July 2008 Archive Archives - CARP

July 2008 Archive Posts

Chair Notes – 10/07/08

July 31, 2008

Chair notes:#3-10/07/08 Great news!! CARP has sent the Chapter copies of an “Emergency Preparedness Guide for ...

CARP calls on the Ministry of Health to fully fund pill packs

July 30, 2008

July 30, 2008 Toronto: CARP calls on the Ministry of Health to fully fund pill packs - the weekly supply of ...

Hopes for health care renewal still not realized

July 30, 2008

Canada's health care system continues to fall short of a clean bill of health, a new report says. In February 2003, ...

Appointment of Advisory Committee for Chinese-Canadian Community

July 30, 2008

Honourable Jason Kenney, Secretary of State (Multiculturalism and Canadian Identity), announced appointments to the ...

CARP calls for equality of access to civil liberties

July 29, 2008

TORONTO July 21, 2008: CARP, representing 350,000 members across Canada has asked the Law Commission of Ontario to ...

Nearly half of CARP Action Online readers agree with “first available bed policy”

July 24, 2008

Nearly half of CARP Action Online readers agree with the thrust of the first available bed policy in long term care ...

Nearly half of CARP Action Online readers agree with “first available bed policy”

July 24, 2008

Nearly half of CARP Action Online readers agree with the thrust of the “first available bed” policy in ...

CARP calls for better investor protection

July 24, 2008

In its recent submission to federal Minister of Finance Jim Flaherty’s Expert Panel on Securities Reform ...

Ending Elder Abuse:

July 24, 2008

CARP says we need to look beyond education and awareness: society needs to be mobilized in the fight against elder ...

The Law as It Affects Older Adults

July 22, 2008

A response to the Law Commission of Ontario’s Consultation Paper. The role of law in a liberal democracy is to ensure ...